Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Washington DC, USA, United States of America, black and white.

Dismantling Jeffersonian Democracy and Corrupting the Rule of Law

The January 6 Defendant Seditious Conspiracy Trials Written by Glen K. Allen, Esq I am old enough to recall when a person in good faith could contend that the American political experiment contains vital elements of Jeffersonian democracy. The vestiges of Jeffersonian principles in our present out-of-touch and out-of-control federal government, however, are rapidly being obliterated. No events signal their…

FEF Launches New Initiative to Help January 6 Defendants

FEF Launches New Initiative to Help January 6 Defendants

As freedom-loving Americans who see through media distortions must know – and as FEF has discussed in several prior posts – the government’s barbarous mistreatment of the January 6 Defendants is a national disgrace. Attorneys affiliated with FEF, despite many attempts, have not yet succeeded in getting directly involved in helping these victims of government overreach, although FEF has been…

The Reichstag Fire Gambit — How America’s Left is Borrowing from Hitler’s Playbook

The Reichstag Fire Gambit — How America’s Left is Borrowing from Hitler’s Playbook

The exploitation of the so-called “insurrection” at the Capitol on January 6th calls to mind one of history’s most notorious events: The Reichstag Fire that changed Adolf Hitler from being Germany’s chancellor to being Germany’s Führer. On the night of February 27, 1933, the parliamentary building in Berlin — the Reichstag — went up in flames. It was obvious from…

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