Free Speech Red Tape

Modern Political Dissent Versus Judicial Demonization

Guest Editorial by Thomas Sunic, Ph.D. One good thing about the judiciary in former communist Europe was that no one, including party apparatchiks, believed its fraudulent language. This was the main reason the system collapsed.  Court proceedings against political dissidents – officially dubbed “hostile elements” or “Western-sponsored fascist infiltrators” – were make-believe travesties where prosecutors projected their real Self into…

Facebook Free Speech


THE SUPREME COURT WRONGLY DECIDES MURTHY V. MISSOURI Written By: Glen Allen, Esq. As an advocate for a robust First Amendment on free speech issues, I approach many (not all) of the U. S. Supreme Court’s major free speech cases with something like religious reverence.  Amid a welter of social and political pressures and competing values, the Court, it seems…

Justice Law Scales

Judge Carney Defends the First Amendment

JUDGE CARMAC CARNEY DEFENDS THE FIRST AMENDMENT AND THE RULE OF LAW Written by: FEF Staff There is an old adage that a judge is a combination of a lawyer and a politician. Hard experience by attorneys representing the Dissident Right in First Amendment cases has shown that this adage often – too often – carries much truth. But there…

Edge of the USA

The Rise and Fall of the First Amendment

Written By: Glen Allen, Esq. For several decades I’ve had Edward Gibbon’s classic The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire on my books-to-be-read list. A month ago I finally took Gibbon’s masterpiece from my bookshelf and began reading it.  Almost immediately a host of comparisons of the declining Roman Empire to the present state of America arose in my…

Funded Courts

Prosecutor Pushes Dubious Prosecutions

Soros-Funded Prosecutor Pushes Dubious Tiki Torch Prosecutions for Political Reasons Written by: Joseph Jordan and Glen Allen As the politicization of the American judicial system accelerates, emboldened prosecutors are navigating into uncharted waters to please wealthy donors, raise their national profile, and distract from the crime epidemic they have helped unleash. Following the Unite the Right rally in August 2017,…

Stanford Law School

Uncivil Discourse at Stanford Law School:

Judge Subjected to Staged Shaming Written By: Glen Allen, Esq. Respect for judges, free speech, and the rule of law seems in its death throes today at law schools, especially so-called “elite” law schools. A case in point is the speech Judge Kyle Duncan gave, or rather attempted to give, on March 9, 2023 at Stanford Law School. Judge Duncan,…

Baltimore City Hall

The SPLC: A Threat to Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law

Written By: Glen Allen, Esq. “Glen, do you know an organization called the Southern Poverty Law Center and a woman named Heidi Beirich?  She called to tell me she’s about to publish an article about you, accusing you of neo-Nazi ties. I assume she has the wrong Glen Allen.” Those words came through my phone on an August afternoon in…

Twitter Censorship

State Attorneys Unite to Challenge Social Media Censorship

Written By: Glen Allen, Esq. Ever since they were first created, social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter have defended their biased, intolerant, erratic, and often Kafkaesque censorship practices on the ground that they are private companies and therefore not subject to First Amendment principles. In recent years, however, it has become clear that this “not state actors” rationale…

Kiersten Hening Womens Soccer

Hening v. Adair (Female Soccer Player Refused to Kneel For BLM)

White Female Soccer Player Settles Political-Discrimination Case Involving Her Refusal To Kneel For BLM A recent development in a First Amendment case involving the conservative beliefs of a white, female college-soccer player deserves attention from Free Expression Foundation supporters and all advocates against political-opinion discrimination. Last December, white Virginia Tech soccer player, Kiersten Hening, won the opportunity to have her…

Geofence Surveillance America

Big Brother Surveillance

The Growing Use of Geofence Warrants Imperils Civil Liberties Written by Glen K. Allen, Esq Recent court filings reveal that Google, by means of its Location History function that many Google users (often unknowingly) opt into, has tracked and recorded extensive location data for over 500 million people. Few of us are aware our location histories are being tracked and…

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