Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Washington DC, USA, United States of America, black and white.

Dismantling Jeffersonian Democracy and Corrupting the Rule of Law

The January 6 Defendant Seditious Conspiracy Trials Written by Glen K. Allen, Esq I am old enough to recall when a person in good faith could contend that the American political experiment contains vital elements of Jeffersonian democracy. The vestiges of Jeffersonian principles in our present out-of-touch and out-of-control federal government, however, are rapidly being obliterated. No events signal their…

Medici lions from Florence, Italy

Be a Medici — New Patrons for a New Renaissance

By Robert Wallace, Guest Editorial Modern historians credit the Dark Age as a time of substantial progress, but no one is campaigning to rename it the Bright Age either. Western nations produce geniuses daily, yet no written record survives from these five centuries. Nationalists should place more stock in Petrarch and Gibbon than rootless modern academics. For us, Western civilization…

What Are The January 6th Capital Demonstrators Accused Of?

What Are The January 6th Capital Demonstrators Accused Of?

by Andrew Allen, Esq. One year later, the events of January 6, 2021 remain wildly confusing. And the tendentious and inaccurate reporting by the media has not helped. The Associated Press calls the event “the most sustained attack on the seat of American democracy since the War of 1812.” Other outlets continue to label the event “The deadly insurrection by…

Court Room

Commentary and Analysis: The Sines v. Kessler Lawfare Jury Verdict

by Glen Allen, Esq. As I stated in my November 19, 2021 article, in my view – what I think is the view of any impartial person – the Sines v. Kessler litigation is ideological lawfare. On November 24, 2021, the jury reached a verdict in that case. I now offer some initial thoughts about that verdict, with the caveat that many critical motions and…

The Sines v. Kessler Lawfare Litigation: A National and Historic Disgrace

The Sines v. Kessler Lawfare Litigation: A National and Historic Disgrace

by Glen Allen, Esq. The word and concept of “lawfare” – sometimes defined as “law as a weapon of war” — gained popular usage about three decades ago in the context of international military operations. It has, however, apt application to certain types of domestic litigation, which is surely not surprising given the increasingly bellicose and irrepressible culture wars that…

Short-Sighted Politics With Long-Term Consequences: Black Activism, The 1960S, And The Creation Of The Anti-Riot Act

Short-Sighted Politics With Long-Term Consequences: Black Activism, The 1960S, And The Creation Of The Anti-Riot Act

by Andrew Allen, Esq. The Anti-Riot Act of 1968 is a dangerous law and, for many reasons, is unconstitutional. After lying dormant for decades, 18 U.S.C. §2101 and §2102 were resurrected by the Justice Department in 2018 to prosecute four young men in California and four other young men in Virginia. The California defendants had scuffled with Antifa members at…

The Reichstag Fire Gambit — How America’s Left is Borrowing from Hitler’s Playbook

The Reichstag Fire Gambit — How America’s Left is Borrowing from Hitler’s Playbook

The exploitation of the so-called “insurrection” at the Capitol on January 6th calls to mind one of history’s most notorious events: The Reichstag Fire that changed Adolf Hitler from being Germany’s chancellor to being Germany’s Führer. On the night of February 27, 1933, the parliamentary building in Berlin — the Reichstag — went up in flames. It was obvious from…

The January 6 Capitol Protestor Prosecutions:  Punishing Thought Crimes And Eroding Freedom Of Assembly

The January 6 Capitol Protestor Prosecutions: Punishing Thought Crimes And Eroding Freedom Of Assembly

Freedom-loving Americans have myriad reasons to be alarmed by the Department of Justice’s ongoing dragnet prosecutions of the Jan 6 Capitol protestors. Foremost among them, perhaps, is why many of these defendants are being prosecuted at all.  Copious first-hand testimony and abundant videos available to the public – and the government has many more videos never publicly disclosed – show…


FEF Denounces UCLA Decision To Bar Michael Miselis From Completing His Ph.D In Aerospace Engineering

Michael Miselis, one of the defendants in the Charlottesville Rise Above Movement prosecution, could make a strong case that he has been the victim of a flagrant miscarriage of justice, and one whose pernicious consequences roll on and on. Much of Miselis’s ordeal has arisen because of the plea agreement he signed. No fair-minded person, however, who is familiar with…

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