The Political Rally Survival Guide: Five Things to Keep in Mind When Attending a Public Event

The Political Rally Survival Guide: Five Things to Keep in Mind When Attending a Public Event

The Free Expression Foundation neither endorses nor condemns the rally scheduled to be held in Washington, DC, on September 18. Furthermore, we are not affiliated with any organization or individuals that are putting the event together. However, we believe strongly in the rights of all Americans to protest and seek redress from the government for grievances in a peaceful fashion….

Court Room

Summary of State Laws Protecting Political Dissidents Against Discrimination

If you are a political dissident and have experienced employment-based adverse treatment (including threats) because of your beliefs, the Free Expression Foundation may be able to provide you with important legal information to help you fight back.  One source of your legal rights may be your employment contract, if you have one. This includes collective bargaining employment contracts such as…

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