Upward View Supreme Court

Update and Fundraising Appeal with Matching Donor

By Glen Allen, Esq., FEF President

Since its inception, FEF has made steady progress toward fulfilling its mission of providing moral, financial, and legal support to those who have been harmed from the exercise of their rights of free expression. FEF now has an exciting opportunity to accelerate that progress: a generous donor has agreed to match donations to FEF up to $30,000!

As I will explain in the fundraising appeal below, with your help in taking advantage of this opportunity we can turbo charge FEF’s impact and strengthen FEF’s ability to act as an incubator of legal professionals – law students and young lawyers — who share FEF’s values and mission.

First, an update on FEF’s present cases and activities.


Right now I’m litigating several major cases that raise important free speech issues. Although I’m litigating these in my own name with help from local counsel, I regard them as FEF matters because of their important free speech content and because FEF is paying much of the litigation costs.

Patriot Front Arrests in Coeur D’Alene

This is a criminal appeal on behalf of four Patriot Front young men who were among the 31 Patriot Front members arrested in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, as soon as they stepped out of their U-Haul and before they could even begin a nonviolent protest against an All Ages Drag Show. All my clients were charged, prosecuted, and convicted of conspiracy to riot. The First Amendment issues are manifest. This is an important case, as it seems plain the Idaho governmental authorities were trying to intimidate Patriot Front from ever demonstrating in Coeur d’Alene again.

Warren Balogh’s Appeal to the Fourth Circuit of His Complaint Against City of Charlottesville Regarding the Unite the Right Rally

In this case, co-counsel and I are representing Warren Balogh in appealing the dismissal of Balogh’s civil suit against the city of Charlottesville and its Police Department arising from Balogh’s injuries at the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville. My co-counsel and I have emphasized in our appellate briefs the national, iconic stature of the UTR event and the critical importance of impartially protecting all the points of view that collided on that fateful day. In an encouraging development, the Fourth Circuit recently granted oral argument in this case, scheduled for May 7 -10, 2024.  It would be a monumental victory if we could secure the reversal of Balogh’s complaint and proceed with his Section 1983 action against Charlottesville and its police department.

Patriot Front Complaint Against Antifa in Washington State

In this case, I’m representing Patriot Front members in a civil action against an Antifa who deceitfully infiltrated the Patriot Front organization in Washington State using a false identity, accessed confidential information, then doxxed dozens of PF members causing many to lose their jobs. As far as I know, if we succeed in this lawsuit it will be the first time an Antifa has been successfully sued by anyone on the right side of the political spectrum.

Prospective Cases

FEF is close to finalizing its support and commitment in several other cases raising critical First Amendment issues.


FEF’s finances are at present somewhat strained. Much of the budgetary pressures have arisen from local counsel fees for the various cases. Finding local counsel has been difficult and when they can be obtained they generally charge hefty fees. Plus there have been other costs, e.g., $2,000 in fees for a Private Investigator and process server in Washington State (to try to locate the Antifa, who changed his name three times and was constantly changing his residence), $1300 for out-of-state attorney fees in Idaho (Idaho charged $325 for each of the four appellants for me to enter my appearance on their behalf), and approximately $2600 in brief printing costs in the Fourth Circuit for the Balogh appeal; and other substantial bills are on the horizon.

Additionally, FEF is paying a monthly stipend to its law clerk, a smart, dedicated, and reliable young law student who is on his way to becoming a very competent lawyer.

As mentioned, the exciting news is that a generous donor has offered to match donations to FEF up to $30,000. This is an extraordinary opportunity to fortify FEF’s status as a force to be reckoned with in protecting free expression for all, but particularly for dissidents who often cannot otherwise receive and competent representation. Moreover, of equal importance, this infusion will greatly enhance FEF’s ability to support and train a new generation of committed legal advocates.

I know well the many good causes that seek and deserve your support. If, however, there is room in your budget for donations to FEF, now — thanks to this generous donor — is the ideal time.

Thank you! I am grateful for your continuing interest and support.

My best to you all,






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