FEF Publishes Update On Its Activities

FEF Publishes Update On Its Activities

FEF published an update on its activities and achievements in the December 2020 edition of American Free Press.  As noted in its update, in addition to the litigation matters it has pursued FEF has continued to provide small grants to worthy persons, including the parents of Scott Goodwin so that they may visit their son Jacob in Virginia prison.  Jacob…

Oral Argument Scheduled In Glen Allen’s Fourth Circuit Appeal From Dismissal Of His Complaint Against The SPLC

Oral Argument Scheduled In Glen Allen’s Fourth Circuit Appeal From Dismissal Of His Complaint Against The SPLC

On November 24, 2020, the Fourth Circuit set oral argument for January 26, 2021 in Glen Allen’s appeal from the District Court’s dismissal of his complaint against Heidi Beirich, Mark Potok, and the SPLC.   Allen commented that “the Fourth Circuit waited over six months after briefing was completed to schedule oral argument, so I was becoming concerned.  But I’m happy…

Fourth Circuit Issues Opinion In Miselis Appeal Striking Down Parts Of Anti Riot Act As Unconstitutional But Upholding Convictions Of RAM Defendants

Fourth Circuit Issues Opinion In Miselis Appeal Striking Down Parts Of Anti Riot Act As Unconstitutional But Upholding Convictions Of RAM Defendants

On August 24, 2020, in a unanimous opinion authored by Judge Diaz, the Fourth Circuit affirmed District Court Judge Moon’s refusal to strike down the Anti Riot Act as unconstitutional.  In what can fairly be described as a convoluted and illogical rationale, the Fourth Circuit found large parts of the Act unconstitutional but upheld certain narrow segments of it.  Then,…

FEF Issues Press Release Regarding Its Ninth Circuit Amicus Brief

FEF Issues Press Release Regarding Its Ninth Circuit Amicus Brief

On June 23, 2020, FEF issued a press release (attached to this post) regarding the amicus brief it filed the week before in the Ninth Circuit in the RAM Rundo appeal.  After reviewing the background and importance of the Rundo case, including the blatant political motives of the government in commencing the prosecution, FEF noted that the American Civil Liberties…

FEF Files Amicus Brief In The Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals United States v. Rundo Appeal

FEF Files Amicus Brief In The Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals United States v. Rundo Appeal

On June 17, 2020, FEF filed an amicus brief in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the United States v. Rundo, et al. appeal.  With the filing of this amicus, FEF now has filed amicus briefs in Rise Above Movement appeals on both coasts of the USA – on the East Coast, in the Fourth Circuit Miselis case, and…

Glen Allen Completes Briefing In His Fourth Circuit Appeal In The Allen v. Beirich And SPLC Case

Glen Allen Completes Briefing In His Fourth Circuit Appeal In The Allen v. Beirich And SPLC Case

On May 11, 2020, Glen Allen, responding to the SPLC’s brief in opposition to his opening brief, filed his reply brief in further support of his appeal.  In his reply brief, Allen castigated the SPLC Defendants for improperly citing matters outside the appellate record in their opposition brief by seeking to introduce newspaper articles and articles written by the SPLC…

FEF Provides Monetary Grant To Parents Of Jacob Goodwin

FEF Provides Monetary Grant To Parents Of Jacob Goodwin

Jacob Goodwin attended the Charlottesville demonstrations as a pro-monument demonstrator.  At some point in the melee, Goodwin, along with other persons, kicked a counterprotester several times.  He should not have done this.  But the sentence he received after a subsequent prosecution – eight years in prison in Virginia – was grossly disproportionate, given that the counterprotester’s injuries from the kicks…

Patrick Henry - Glen Allen

Glen Allen Files Opening Brief In His Appeal From Dismissal Of His Lawsuit Against The SPLC

On February 14, 2020, Glen Allen, who has received financial aid from FEF, filed his initial brief in his appeal from Judge Blake’s dismissal of his complaint against Heidi Beirich, Mark Potok, and the SPLC.  Allen presented a number of arguments for reversal of the district court’s decision.  Included among them were that: the court failed properly to take into…

Oral Argument Held In Fourth Circuit Miselis Appeal

Oral Argument Held In Fourth Circuit Miselis Appeal

On January 31, 2020, Glen Allen, as an observer, on behalf of FEF attended oral argument in the Fourth Circuit Miselis appeal.  He noted that the Chief Judge, Judge King, seemed hostile to the RAM defendants, that Judge Rushing asked virtually no questions, but that Judge Diaz did pose several pointed questions to both sides.  He commented that it was…

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