FEF Fundraiser And Update Published In American Free Press
On November 11, 2019, Charles Randy Sheppard, FEF Board Member, published in the American Free Press an update on FEF’s progress (article can be viewed here)
On November 11, 2019, Charles Randy Sheppard, FEF Board Member, published in the American Free Press an update on FEF’s progress (article can be viewed here)
From Glen Allen, Esq., FEF President We all, I hope, have heroes. Near the pinnacle in my hierarchy of heroes is a diminutive, soft-spoken man with gigantic intellect, scholarship, vision, and integrity: James Madison. Academics and a significant part of the American public recognize that Madison was the primary draftsman of the Constitution, which was written in 1787 and ratified…
As freedom-loving Americans who see through media distortions must know – and as FEF has discussed in several prior posts – the government’s barbarous mistreatment of the January 6 Defendants is a national disgrace. Attorneys affiliated with FEF, despite many attempts, have not yet succeeded in getting directly involved in helping these victims of government overreach, although FEF has been…
On June 23, 2020, FEF issued a press release (attached to this post) regarding the amicus brief it filed the week before in the Ninth Circuit in the RAM Rundo appeal. After reviewing the background and importance of the Rundo case, including the blatant political motives of the government in commencing the prosecution, FEF noted that the American Civil Liberties…
This week, Free Expression Foundation co-founder and Chief Legal Officer, Glen Allen, together with local counsel, filed a Federal lawsuit in Washington state against infamous “antifascist” activist, David Capito. The suit has been filed on behalf of several individuals Capito allegedly maliciously doxxed in late 2021. The six-count complaint alleges that Mr. Capito, who changed his name to the exotic…
On November 17, 2020, oral argument was held before Judges Fernandez, Paez, and Tigar in the Ninth Circuit Rundo RAM appeal. The argument was held via Zoom because of the Covid restrictions, and attorneys representing FEF listened in. The judges asked many pointed questions, especially of the government, which gave hope to FEF’s attorneys that the judges appreciate the constitutional…
Article by FEF Staff Last month, FEF Chief Legal Officer Glen Allen, acting as appellate counsel for Dissident Right activist Warren Balogh, filed the opening appellate brief in Balogh’s lawsuit against Virginia authorities relating to their handling of the historic 2017 Unite the Right (“UTR”) rally in Charlottesville. In Balogh’s initial pro se complaint he alleged, among other things, that…