FEF Fundraiser And Update Published In American Free Press
On November 11, 2019, Charles Randy Sheppard, FEF Board Member, published in the American Free Press an update on FEF’s progress (article can be viewed here)
On November 11, 2019, Charles Randy Sheppard, FEF Board Member, published in the American Free Press an update on FEF’s progress (article can be viewed here)
On January 31, 2020, Glen Allen, as an observer, on behalf of FEF attended oral argument in the Fourth Circuit Miselis appeal. He noted that the Chief Judge, Judge King, seemed hostile to the RAM defendants, that Judge Rushing asked virtually no questions, but that Judge Diaz did pose several pointed questions to both sides. He commented that it was…
On November 17, 2020, oral argument was held before Judges Fernandez, Paez, and Tigar in the Ninth Circuit Rundo RAM appeal. The argument was held via Zoom because of the Covid restrictions, and attorneys representing FEF listened in. The judges asked many pointed questions, especially of the government, which gave hope to FEF’s attorneys that the judges appreciate the constitutional…
FEF’s supporters will recall that the Department of Justice has two ongoing prosecutions against members of the Rise Above Movement (“RAM”). One was commenced in Charlottesville, Virginia; the other, in San Francisco, California. Both have now reached the Circuit Court of Appeal level, one in the Fourth Circuit and the other in the Ninth Circuit. Both circuit courts have ruled…
By Glen Allen Esq., FEF President 2024 was an exciting and productive year for the Free Expression Foundation. With your continued support, FEF will continue this momentum into 2025 and beyond. During 2024, FEF accomplished the following: Through attorneys that FEF obtained and in many cases paid for, FEF litigated five cases (trial courts and courts of appeal) in four…
On February 14, 2020, Glen Allen, who has received financial aid from FEF, filed his initial brief in his appeal from Judge Blake’s dismissal of his complaint against Heidi Beirich, Mark Potok, and the SPLC. Allen presented a number of arguments for reversal of the district court’s decision. Included among them were that: the court failed properly to take into…
On May 11, 2020, Glen Allen, responding to the SPLC’s brief in opposition to his opening brief, filed his reply brief in further support of his appeal. In his reply brief, Allen castigated the SPLC Defendants for improperly citing matters outside the appellate record in their opposition brief by seeking to introduce newspaper articles and articles written by the SPLC…